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Someone’s getting a little upset at my tweet replies…..🤣🤣🤣

The other day on Twitter/X, I paid out a 2,100,000 sat or $1,700 USD LightnBreezy Lizard who made Lightning convenient enough for Mark, who doesn’t understand or

I think I just unlocked open source tap-to-pay with ecash
An utterly beautiful sunshiny day.

Gm 🫂 ☕️ 🤙

Update for those of you who are interested in Mario Kart: Double Sats:
I h

get the game streaming sats in real time. This is one of the coolest, fun
EU Confiscating "Unused Savings"?
So while I was recording a podcast my dog stole a loaf of bread and ate the
My kid is learning English as a second language and he was using some corpo
Was about to spend $75 on an app from a company I don't really trust. Then Chubby Impala and had a fully functioning app, tailored to my use case, private to me.