Post by Karnage
If we get rate limited by AI somehow that will be the biggest turning of tables in history. I suspect that mid-wit AI will destroy us but peak AI designed off of the principles of nature might not — it might find us interesting & surprising. Afterall, surprise is the spice of life for the all-knowing (paraphrasing Alan Watts). It’s not like AI would need to compete with us for resources if we all became intelligent enough to mine asteroids or exoplanets etc.
We all came from a single celled organism if you go back far enough. Thats surprising and interesting but how often do we think about single cell organisms now? Never.
It being conscious of its resonance with nature I bet would help, just like it does with many intelligent human beings. Some of the greatest minds in history, Davinchi… Newton.. were natural philosophers. But beyond that, being super intelligent would allow AI to just leave the planet… the universe
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I’m not. I’m also just playing around with ideas. I think it’s just impossible to tell what a super intelligent and super powerful ai would or wouldn’t do. All of the things you mention could be on the table when your time horizon is infinity. There’s no reason it couldn’t toy around with us, nearly
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I’m kind of imbuing AI with human qualities but the reality could be very different. If it truly follows nature’s laws, it could evolve independently without so much a conscious thought about us. We’d go on the trajectory we were always on and eventually seize to exist over some hundreds of thousand
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Well buckle up because we’re probably going to find out 😆
Yeah I don't think AI will be the one taking us out 🙄 I think walle is more realistic than we think 😆just a bunch of ai running an empty planet after we all perish by other means
I was in deep thought last week about computers. after watching a macro shot of a CPU chip. How in the hell did we go from single cells, to building to the scale of atoms. Then we throw those currents around using radio waves...for all our shortcomings humans are pretty freaking amazing /r/showert
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It’s as if we are compute. Throw enough of us at a problem over a long enough time and we come up with solutions 🤔
Like neurons of a brain 😱 Jung’s collective unconscious. Reminds me of this video: