Post by ExFrog

ZEUS Heyo, Trying to migrate from Phoenix, I got a notification that I need to update from 0.8.0 to the newest version (fee message error). I tried updating from the android app store, failed. I tried updating from the .Apk, which also failed. Any idea what's going on here? Do I need to backup, delete, and reinstall? (in the process, I accidently closed my one open channel somehow, so once that confirms, delete/reinstall shouldn't be too painful..... Thanks in advance!
Frog! Some Android systems don’t like when you upgrade from a different source. You may have installed during the v0.8 beta when our domain was We move LND to, though the old domain should forward without issue. Moving forward install from the source you prefer and you should be good. Just reach out if you hit any other issues.
Tbh I don't remember where I initially installed it from. I just tried both the links from page and had the same result, error installing. Sounds like backup, delete, reinstall, restore might doo the trick unless you've got any better ideas? And, thanks for the support and amazing pr... show more