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For anyone that hasn’t seen it, I highly recommend “The Internet’s Own Boy.
Hello beautiful beings,
My name is Bianca, and I’m very excited to be hereArrogant Marlin and Good Pig for opening this door!). The more I learn, the more I see how these t#introductions
tennessee and texas have deep roots - our next chapter together starts now
first look at damus android pre-alpha.
I'm a cornstar - I fuck the system for a living.
Who wants to fuck around
This is what "being broke" really looks like:
- $1k iPhone
- $1k shoes
- $#Bitcoin
Looking rich keeps you broke.
What’s the best documentary you’ve ever seen?
guys I’m addicted to skirt steak.
Buying coffee for all my European friends waking up now, reply “☕️”
Gm 🫂 ☕️ 🤙

lying in bed switching between damus android and damus ios to post. somewha
Are there still places with vibes anymore? Or did the internet kind of kill
Nostr merch is always with me when we meetup 🫶💜 exited to meet a group of

it's been a couple years but it's gonna be nice to do zap stuff again on mo
today i learned the Wizard of Oz is a tale of the gold standard
GM: Bitcoin is money, already.

damus android is written in C and Rust and directly renders to your phones
Per YouTube analytics:
One month in to my low budget, non-advertiser,