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Gm to me being petty on Twitter ☀️
It's fun ratio'ing central bankers.
(#ratio #twitterstillsucksthouugh
Meet the NerdQAxe++
A Quantum Leap in the Open-Source Bitcoin Home Mining
Hard work is the only way to become powerful, both mentally and physically.
also turn off apple intelligence ✨
Zap marketing is cooler to see than platform marketing, imo. Commenters get
Being a millionaire takes on average 7-10 years and is something anyone ca
When I first put out my "Bitcoin accepted here" sign I never expected anyon
GM! ☕ How you look trusting the government! 😎
The other day on Twitter/X, I paid out a 2,100,000 sat or $1,700 USD LightnBreezy Lizard who made Lightning convenient enough for Mark, who doesn’t understand or
I was having a moment today where I thought to myself “man, I wish I was a
Today I criticized a friend on X for his reporting, and I was a bitch about
⚡️🤖 NEW - Atlas is demonstrating reinforcement learning policies developed
The Art of Bitcoin Rhetoric talk by Soft Amphibian at Relieved Flea 2019 remains one of the most
Being at that event with BitcoLow Mongoose would kick shitcoiners out theShaggy Cattle , Cool Jackal , Hot Caterpillar , Quick Jay , Icy Boa pics still bri
We've seen 8xRelieved Flea remains one
So while I was recording a podcast my dog stole a loaf of bread and ate the
There is a lot of power in ambivalence.
“What’re your thoughts on xyz?”
Sleep is just a free trial of death with ads.
Outside our little group here no one knows and no one has any chance to kno