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GM ☀️ Discover your #nostr Hero! ⚔️ There's a hero in all of you. Can't wait to
Very basic right now and I'm not sure if I'll add mor
:game: :stop: GameStop will put their $4.75 billion cash holdings into #Bitcoin as a Treasury Re:strategy: Strategy playboo

Michael Saylor t:reward: Share > Like > C:topreward: Top Comment = ⚡️
Thanks Obama

⚡️I hope you can count on me for the long term on Nostr.
“You can't look at the competition and say you're going to do it better. Yo
The social networking dream has finally come true:
Fully peer-to-peer, ve
Looking back on some family turmoil it feels silly that anyone ever tried t
When you have a kid, you realize all the cliches about having a kid are cli
"Choose your own algorithm" will NEVER work on Nostr the way it works on Bl