
Regardless of how someone feels about fiat/printing, printing is still redistribution of REAL ENERGY to those that don't/won't/can't work/produce in a FREE market. This can be through Gov programs, welfare, regulations, etc... it really does not matter because ANY Gov program is by it's nature destructive to the 'greater good' (what it's intended to support). Now, there CAN be a few things along the way funded by Government that should be ONE TIME events to ignite an industry. But be careful with that thinking. Why? Because they ALWAYS turn into longterm spending programs (think Interstate Hwy system that should have been privatized long ago). My opinion is the destruction of central Gov programs FAR outweigh the benefits provided. Example: NASA was ruined by Government oversight and SpaceX swings in and does more in 10 years on a few percent of the spending as the entire history of NASA. There are 100s of examples. BTW - for those that think we need welfare, talk to those that just got devastated from the Hurricane. We would be better off without Gov. Cracking the whip of obscure fiscal slavery actually gets LESS done through lack of innovation and efficiency gains - which cause you to work even hard/longer on TOP of the inflation money printing creates.