Totally agree with that last sentence in your first paragraph. The end should be the pushing out of all weaker currencies (USD as the last bastion) from the quotidian transactional economy. If the intent is instead to acquire bitcoin for the end of a larger amount of USD (or other currency), then that’s speculative and should be avoided given its inherent uncharitableness (wasn’t sure if that was a word lol).
Yes hopefully! And there needs to be a culture that promotes broader distribution of bitcoin, not to just drive up buyers for the sake of “number go up”, but for the good of our neighbor that they may benefit from sound money that can’t be debased.
I wonder if an argument can be made that Bitcoin is in line with the virtue of poverty. Poverty, not in the mistaken sense of being in a state of miserable want, but in not desiring the superfluous and in cheerfully accepting shortage or discomfort, as St. Josemaría Escrivá puts it. With bitcoin’s USD price fluctuation, it can certainly be a bit nerve wracking to depend on that for long term savings but that is the short term cost of relying on a money that can’t be weaponized for certain political agendas (especially those that are anti-Catholic) all while throwing you a bone of x% return on investment.