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Testing multiple playbacks with picture in picture. It's blazing fast. Even
Last week I was in a supermarket checking if I could find some toothpaste w
new toy
DOGE posts be like
GM! Looks like this the first block mined by a self-hosted PublicPool on an
Congrats to the solo miner who solved block 888989
This is the way!
No one should be in control of social communication.
4 different solo miners using OCEAN also found blocks this week: - 888094 f
Treating a dog like a human baby is a sign of a culture in steep decay.
all this talking about car crashes had me produce one of my own ffs
I wonder what jobs would be doing with ai right now
Bitcoin activity is booming in New Zealand.
Since Lightning Pay NZ launch
Unpopular: Influencers are great actually.
If I want to get into a new hob
Will be at MIT 👀 first time i’ve been
stay humble and stack sats relentlessly, forever
I’m a lucky guy. Life is pretty fucking great 🙏🏻
This morning, on my 8th day of sobriety Bitcoin reached block height 888888