If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
What super po...
They can Cancel:
Your X Account
Your FaceBook Account
Your Instagram Acco...
Every time I interact with the traditional banking system it's all friction...
What was the best decision you ever made?
I will go first.
GM! ☕ ₿e Your Own ₿ank! 😎
Every comment = ⚡️21 (for the next 24 hrs)
I call this a win for Bitcoin. Why?
Because Bitcoin empower the individual
Any retailer or individual could refuse to use a legal tender. Nobody ca
... having opinions in public is tough work
The EU is addicted to losing.
gm, serve Bitcoin and it will lead you to freedom unlike any you have exper
... There was a bird flying South for the winter who got lost from the flock, a...