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This cycle’s ’where does the yield come from?’ is going to be MSTR derivati
🚨NEW REPORT: first forensic confirmation of #Paragon mercenary spyware infections #Italy...
Known targets: Activists

So #Paragon makes zero-click spywa

...And more ethical #Citizenlab. And we were skeptical

So.. it was time to

We got a tip about a#Paragon infrastructure & my br

Alec Baldwin's wife Hilaria snaps at him in public and tells him to be quie
NGL, I’m really proud of this one.

proton is getting really good
seems like if you are a new entrant to bitcoin x you are more likely to ape
the applause is disgusting - do many people actually support this?
i want to build things that people value daily, not just once a month.

Update: Okay. Mario Kart: Double Sats now streams you sats in real time f