Yeah... No. I'm not paying for external services. That's not fiscally sound and opens a person up to getting rugged in way too many ways.
I just want to run my own stuff on my own machines without needing external BS outside of an internet connection.
Yeah, this is the challenge. When it came to running my Haven relay, I preferred having my own hardware over paying to use someone else's. I don't like using Cloudflare to access it and will stop as soon as I find an alternative solution. But I would rather use it as a step in the process than not do anything and rely on others' relays (some of which very well may be using Cloudflare). If anyone has a solution to get around ISP port restrictions, I am more than open to it.
Alas, like you said, anything I try to do gets way more complicated and takes a lot more time, of which I don't have much to spare lately, than it probably should 😅