Started watching “Yellowstone” w/ my girlfriend. While I appreciate the storyline and direction, I’m having a hard time buying it, and it’s kinda pissing her off. So I’ll leave these thoughts here where it won’t matter if they trigger anyone, and go back to enjoying the show with her. As someone who grew up in rural Texas - and as a Maxi - the whole Hollywood “rich dudes can still be tough-as-nails American Cowboys” daydream in “Yellowstone” is like watching shitcoiners cling to proof-of-work. It isn’t real, it never was, and it’s some kind of last, sub-conscious projection of power before an inevitable hard wake-up call, imho. The American Cowboy was a fantasy that captivated the world, yet never actually existed. It was irl simply a unique decade or so when poor white trash were given free license “go take what you can, do what you want - Government will come in and mop up later”. Yet that very, very brief, unique era for a handful of Americans enraptured and encaptured human imagination worldwide forever. Freedom and Responsibility. I can only hope Bitcoin is that same, remarkable opportunity. I hope this (likely brief) era for Bitcoin will somehow light a fire in our collective soul as well. I don’t see how it can. But then no one scraping and raping the American West saw themselves as heroes either. They were just following their selfish - yet briefly free and unfettered - incentives. Just like I’m doing now.