
Lex Friedman: "GitHub is... basically a place where developers go to be happy. And to collaborate and to share and to build. Especially for people who are part of the open-source world." I think they go there because they have to. Another centralized silo but this time it's more pernicious and problematic than the usual social media platforms. It's not about code. Git servers are all over the place. It's about the social coordination around that code. Social interactions are vital to keep a project going. And it is all captured in GitHub which can rugpull you anytime. PR-s, issues, comments and discussion threads. All belongs to Microsoft who owns GitHub. And we have been feeding this beast for ages now. Do you know what else belongs to Microsoft? LinkedIn. It is a platform most likely substantially bigger than X (actually it was taken private years ago) and it controls how most work. If you haven't been checking what is going on in LinkedIn nowadays (good for you I guess) just out of curiousity, please do. You will be shocked. I believe nostr can break this diabolic situation. We can make these platforms obsolete. At least for the freedom-minded. That's what I'm aiming for.
Let's win with nostr