Empathy, it’s the ability to deeply understand the experience of another. This is wildly important, the insight it gives you is immense, and when people lack empathy they become sociopaths, and then they are incapable of empathy they are psychopaths.
But can someone have too much empathy? Kinda, not really. Empathy is, sort of, it's complicated, an emotion, and emotions are simply messengers, they give you insight into yourself and the world around you. Emotions are amazing messengers and poor decision makers.
Another common emotion is anger. Anger is very important, it warns you when your boundaries are being violated, it’s a defensive emotion. Anger is always something you need to listen to, but not what should be making your decisions. It’s our job, as mature adults, to gather the information that we get from emotions, consider it, and then make a thoughtful decision on how to act.
Unless an emotion is so intense that it cripples you, I wouldn’t say that someone has too much of an emotion, but, you need to be able to process your emotions and use them to inform your decisions rather than to lead your decisions.