Something that makes my skin crawl that I’ve ran into multiple times is when I talk with people who work for the state in some capacity is how they make light of the about the absoulte dysfunctional shitshow that they participate in. It’s always some BS they spout like, “yeah, I just do my job,” or “figuring that out is above my pay grade” or the worst is, “At least its job security”
They actully don’t give a shit about what they do and just want to make sure they get a pay check. And while I empathize on some level, like this is your actual one life you get, and you’re willing to waste 40 to 60 hours a week of it just to get some money? You could actually do meaningful work, build things and help people, and likely even make more money if you were willing to take that ‘risk’ over the ‘security’ of a guaranteed job from the state, but that is just a bridge too far, eh?