
Why? Musician's lives suck. 99.99% die broke. .001% make millions and become famous and can't go anywhere to enjoy their money. Decent software engineer will make a good living and have a good life. A decent % will become nameless millionaires. .001% will become billionaires.
Now here is the point I was making name me one software engineer who got a handsome advance to create software in addition that software engineer negotiated royalties of the creation lol musicians are the only people on this planet that get to get paid from creation by a corporation in addition to getting paid upfront. Bill gates is the only person in known history that ever negotiated royalties for sales on a software that ultimately became mainstream and he wasn’t even an engineer or the person that built it, imagine if engineers that contributed to like a maintain software like Google search engine and got a royalty for all the ads there 🤣 that’s the equivalent of a musician making a hit song and taking a percentage of the sales. I have come to conclude the software engineer community is full of morons this is coming from somebody who is both an audio and software engineer