We have decided to start "showing our work", more, in public, as we've:
1) finally got the prototype to the point, that it actually does something useful,
2) managed to get the spec to a maturity, where we feel confident mass-producing events with it,
3) become annoyed with other teams obfuscating or developing in secret, and we don't want to be hypocrites,
4) really hit our stride, coordinating as a large team (8 active members, multiple additional beta-testers, and 4 suppliers -- tendency rising on all),
5) got tickets moving faster and faster across the kanban board,
6) become eager to prove that Nostr products can be stable, resilient, swift, and useful,
7) decided to change the direction the conversation is taking, and definitively prove the genius and value of decentralized relays, by showing what amazing things they make possible.
2025 is the year to do hard things, and now you can observe us doing them.