Tempting, but then Iโ€™m gonna want it tomorrow and the next day and the next day ๐Ÿ˜‚ thatโ€™s one thing I have to try to avoid unless itโ€™s straight up surgery or something
Back in the day. I ran and owned an apothecary (pharmacy). It was an old classic drugstore with a soda fountain. It had too big colored apothecary bottles on each side of the counter. Pill medicine was not very popular yet. Most prescriptions were specific to different doctors, and we would mix them up according to each doctors individual prescription. Most of our ingredients came in raw form. Raw opium, Dilaudid, cocaine, morphine, amphetamine, dextrin etc. Doctors and drug companies were not allowed to advertise prescription drugs at that time. All of the narcotics and stimulants that people highly prize today cost pennies back then, and we're easy to acquire by anyone. Few people use them back then except as prescribed. Blacks and entertainers were about the only ones big on narcotics like heroin or opium. Alcohol was the drug of choice. Marijuana wasn't really even on the horizon. Except by the Mexicans like Jerry Garcia. My how things have changed..๐Ÿซ‚๐Ÿ˜Š