Props to The #Bitcoin Therapist.
Who else can relate?
4 years ago I discovered Bitcoin for the first time. I gradually and then suddenly began emptying my savings - until I was so fiat poor I could barely afford to pay my bills. Most of you think I’m an OG but I’m literally a pleb that got wrecked during the 2020 cycle.
My conviction was set in stone about 2-3 months in. It didn’t take long. I’m an all or nothing person with everything. I never half ass it. The bear market was easy for me because I was prepared to go down 75%. I told myself if I lost everything betting on a magic internet currency I would be happier than if I died a slow fiat death at my 9-5 week in and out. The math made sense to me and that was enough. The current system did not make sense to me. I couldn’t understand why I needed to work for 40 years just to save enough to barely retire with health issues.
That’s what inevitably did it for me. The same job every day at the same location with the same mundane routine with the same depressing outlook. I had to change it up. I went all in on Bitcoin. Me and my girlfriend quit ours jobs to travel and move around. We took time off and reinvented our lives. Now we live in new states, travel frequently and are much happier. This was a major change in our lives, it put stress on our relationship and it was at the depths of the bear market.
Ultimately this led to us being happier and opened up a whole new world of possibilities for us. Four years later, I can honestly say the Bitcoin maximalists were right.
Listen to the maxis. Don’t fuck with shitcoins. Work hard, earn honest money, take breaks, travel, touch grass, save in Bitcoin and stay humble. I’m only 4 years into my original 10 year plan. I’m not planning on selling anything until then.
When you understand Bitcoin it will fundamentally change who you are as a person. There is no arguing this. It will alter your DNA.
I’ve never been more bullish or excited on the future of Bitcoin. I believe it is a better investment today than it was 4 years ago and I imagine a million dollar bitcoin price is in the near future.