I used to be a management consultant thinking our job was to fix businesses. Eventually realized the obvious that the business model of consulting firms is to sell consulting (duh). Lots of ineffective work, and in some cases corruption, were the result. And also some long hours for us juniors - no cracked ribs (!) but a few 100 hr weeks so that partners could make massive bonuses selling hot air.
Such a great insight, and rightfully applied to ~most journalism. You could make similar analogies for doctors, scientists, even charity workers too unfortunately.
I have friends who manage other peoples' money at large asset managers who similarly don't get Bitcoin. In fact, they're all into ESG and whatever else they're incetivised by. Sad, but many examples. Maybe they'll listen once their companies start offering Bitcoin products 😂
It's all thoroughly depressing, but your last point is on the nail. Once they work out how to make the gravy train continue by making money from Bitcoin, they'll be all in.