Post by Petite Earthworm
why don't we just make "damus gems" the thing you buy from an in-app purchase. it would just be a signed nostr note from our node with a unique ID. like a lightning IOU. we wouldn't need the full complexity of an ecash node. it would be a small plugin on my core-lightning node. the iou would have the purchase amount in fiat. you can't really do much with these except melt into your lightning wallet once you set one up. this melting would be a payment from our node to another lightning node (the users wallet). then we would mark the gem as redeemed I wonder if this would basically allow us to get our zap button back on ios in a sneaky way ? also since its denominated in fiat we don't have any risk in terms of price swings, and users can't use them as call options lol this is probably the cleanest way I can think of integrating with the ios appstore without doing kyc nonsense
I like the idea of gems, they should have attractive functionalities for the user for example: 1 gem to activate purple badge. Also user could win 1 gem if he has X number of followers, etc.