
yeah, it's celiac though, the list of symptoms matches up perfectly secondary problems have developed due to the inflammation and digestion problems, especially potassium deficiency and magnesium deficiency i get ZERO benefit from any kind of steroids, the only thing that stops the asthma is stopping the allergens, that's mainly wheat, but i guess this particular kind of eggs here are now in the same basket several of these problems diminished a lot when i was on a milk diet, but the neuropathy started to get worse and i put on a lot of weight i only get reflux from eating certain kinds of foods... which are probably gluten or seed oil containing in most cases in any case, once a gain 🤦‍♂️ yes the eggs, i already figured this one out like 4 months ago and here i am again, forgotten again fasting and beef and no wheat or eggs all will probably help... cannabis helps stop the cramps but i was only taking CBD/HHC stuff, which was sorta half working for a few days and then stopped wolking so much