So I had a unique opportunity today. A 12 year old boy from church wanted m
Empty Aardvark put in to words that really made it stick in my criminally stupid brain: n I gave a copy of Saif’s Bitcoin Standard to his folks. I set him up with
Icy Boa and helped him back it up, both analog and digitally.
This young fella t
... Surf now, pay later with Bitcoin Venmo. nostr:nprofile1qyxhwumn8ghj7mn0wvh
... “Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this woul...
Facebook's hyper agressive growth strategy includes targeting fresh interne...
A drawing I did of the statue ‘Undine Rising from the Fountain’ by Chauncey
... Good morning, Nostr. Please pray for my baby girl, who's been in the NICU f
... GM AND HAPPY SUNDAY 🌞 💜 🧡 🍀 😉 🫡