"What's your bank account?"
Me: "🌳 🍔 🚒 💣 🎁 🏈 🎂 💽 💩 😜 🍆 ☔ "
What do you think the world will be like 50 years from now, in the 2070s?
... GM, just went to Ash Wednesday service. I'm giving up complaining for Lent,
... The spiciest and herbiest shoppe in Marrakech. Also the most colourful.
GM Nostr
Enjoy your productive day🦾
Giving up drinking for Lent. Using this note as an accountability mechanism
... Twitter and Nostr Bitcoin discourse are decoupling.
We're really gonna make this whole mission happen. Freedom money 💪
I got
... name a better duo than salmon and avocado
Life just kinda of gets progressively more difficult—dealing with death and
... Gunna start a tattoo removal shop called Ragrets