๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ NewYearSNEK๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ‰ I might be insulting your intelligence here but in case you forgot, Arkmans vignette events like this one are all basically the same. Several stages remixing past event mechanics, but you will never see these stages again. They are not worth farming, you can just farm in story or resource collection. The medals are just unlock all the stories (thank fuck you do not have to (((read))) them.) and buy the welfare outfit, but ignoring the stages is letting a bunch of OP go. But you can take your time and just autorun chips or rocks to blow stamina if you don't have time, or push story or push module missions, but not annis or old events. The cheap six film cans are for this events stories. You can get infinite more at a higher cost which are only good for buying previous vignette stories. (Home, Archives, intelligence, special operations.) Opening any stories you missed will make you ready to get the loot when record restoration hits that event. Clearing the shop with extra shopbux to buy those won't be difficult at all. You do not need to buy more than you have stories you missed. There is no other use. If you don't get them all, you will still be ahead and can catch up next vignette
DrRyanSkelton thanks for the refresher! The only new thing I see is that there's a Sat 0 stage where they show off the new unit