I think the we should set the bar and social norms that we as a community want, not what we think will get people on-boarded. This is the same mind set that in the US we should print signs and papers in every language so immigrants can on-board to the US. Not saying it’s right or wrong but just stating a fact that the “unofficial”language of the US is English. If you want to be successful here, you kind of need to learn it. If you want to be successful on #Nostr, the language here is #zaps. Let’s not change to accommodate normies. Let’s help them learn. Let’s show them the way. That’s why on #introductions everyone welcomes noobs with zaps. ⚡️ Likes are worthless. Zaps have actual value. It doesn’t matter if it is 1 sat or a 1,000,000. That is up to the individual to determine what they can, want, should give. The future needs to be an exchange of real value End of the day zaps should be and are the language here. (Rant Over) 🫡 Side note: love this post as this is the dialogue we need to work out who we want to be as a community.