The recent hubbub around the Godot Engine's choice of some fat, ugly, green-haired community manager and her(?) decision to treat the company's Twitter account like her personal blog has reminded me of a story back from 2017. The attached image has the full story, but in short: Marvel comics writers (women) take pictures of themselves getting milkshakes during their lunch break They receive a total of 6 tweets that are vaguely disparaging (and one guy who said he "would totally bang" one of them) Within a day, more news articles were written about the "harassment" these women faced from Twitter than was ever actually directed at them The Tumblr crowd declares decisive strategic victory against "broflakes" This is merely the latest version of that, but unlike Marvel's copyrighted vault of characters who will never be allowed to enter the public domain, Godot is an open source engine. People can fork it, do what they want with it, and take it in different directions (I've seen at least two forks specifically due to this drama, one serious and one as a shitpost). The real, concrete thing lost here is the wealth of documentation and discussion in the former and current Godot Discord servers. The community manager (or maybe someone else; I don't care) has decided to lock both servers, making them impossible to join without explicit approval.