
So I wasn’t originally going to post but I decided to share the journey if this to FB Got this thing out of my neighbors yard for free , it’s been sitting for years but I just in a whim decided it couldn’t hurt to ask, I did and was told if I got it out the yard it was mine Got it home and have began to assess the damage and needs to get it going under its own power , I’ll be doing most of the work myself with some little help here and there from knowledgeable friends It’s already been quite the experience and I’ve only got a few hours of work into it Not pictured is some work I did off camera , full tune up (plugs wires , filters, ignition coil , distributor cap and rotor. It’s got spark, and air flow but I’m missing fuel as it will run on starter fluid for as long as you spray it but dies out as soon as fluid stops being sprayed. I’ve changed the fuel filters and checked for blockages in the fuel lines and have deduced that it was a pump issue , and boy was I correct It has 3 fuel pumps on it , one in each tank, and one in line up near the motor. Oddly enough the rear tank under the bed is brand new with a brand new pump and nether have ever seen a drop of gas in them I guess prior person to me got started on them and ended up not seeing it through The main tank along the side rail however (pictured below) is absolutely nothing but trash at this point , luckily none of the fuel and crap in it ever made it into the lines past the filters so hopefully the injectors are still good enough to get it to idle New main tank and fuel pump are otw but I fear even with them installed I have a power issue to the fuel system as a whole so that will be the next step I’ll post updates regularly as progress is made Stay tuned!! #introductions