This all is a straw man argument. I have never asserted that God is not incomprehensible. I'm asserting that truths are comprehensible
Your original post was
#Christian doctrine of the Trinity is a mystery--not a puzzle.
So now I think you are asserting that doctrines such as the WCF are knowable Truths, and in fact they are NOT mysteries and are instead knowable?
And the word Trinity is not found in the Bible, so if the doctrine is Truth it must be deduced by good and necessary consequences from the Holy Scriptures. It is not a mystery... but if one is an honest and rigorous Theologian, it is a logical conclusion. One might not be too far off by asserting that the Doctrine of the Trinity is even a syllogistic puzzle.
For that matter the term infinite is also not found in the Bible. It is an extension of the idea of beyond measure. While the modern concept of infinite in mathematics and set theory seems likely to also apply to God. Infinity, in this sense, is also a well defined concept of Mathematics and commonly required in almost all advanced mathematics.
And eternal...means without beginning and without end. This does not seem like too complicated of an idea to gasp.
This would be not much different than saying we do not understand darkness because it is the absence of light? This is absurd. Darkness existed both before man and the fall.
With these ideas, theologians form doctrines which are both true and to be believed, though some are more difficult than others to understand. The Trinity and Hypostatic Union are probably at the top of that list. However, errors in these doctrines have also been at the center of most heresies. The doctrine is NOT a mystery. If it was, then these errors could hardly be called heresies because who really knows what the Trinity is anyway? The doctrine is largely what makes the OPC Orthodox. Lose the Doctrine of the Trinity, and the Denomination becomes the Un-OPC.