I hereby declare March 10-16 to be Bounce Week.
Them in 10 Years: “Wow! You got on nostr early?!? I bet that felt revolutio
So, you've decided your phone's just a little too user-friendly, huh? Fine.
Almost to 1000 followers. 😮 Kind of suprised. I feel like I can actually h
When I was a kid, an older relative had this big rubber band ball, about th
it is interesting that elon has no opinion on the white house bull posting
Mortgage your house Rack up the credit cards
Sell a kidney
Empty your cl
I’ve noticed three distinct responses wrt the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve.
the real recession began in 2008 and it never ended.
it was just covered u
Incredibly happy to announce that me and my wife’s first child (baby boy) w
It's time to break out this massive pepper grinder.
hopefully elon fires the people in charge of daylight savings time
GM all my vile and dangerous cult friends! Georgie boy is projecting aga
What is the best long form criticism or caution regarding the strategic bit
Government reserves and shitcoining politicians are a useless way to i