Somehow stupidly fell for an airport taxi scam at JFK after being tired from 24 hours of traveling. Realized what was happening within a minute of getting into the car. Two men convinced me that the subway was down (which would have been $11.40 for me to go home), and then told me to get in one of their “taxis” which was “metered” and would give me a good price. Instinctively, I looked up the price on all the ride apps - ~$75. He tried to chat me up because he sensed I was suspicious, but I mostly gave him short responses to his questions. When we arrived, he asked if I would be paying cash and told me ~$160. I was anticipating this confrontation so I started a yell off with him. He wasn’t licensed and had no meter. I called him out on the scam and I offered to pay only $80 at most. He then countered with $140, $120, and lastly $100. He then threatened to drive me all the way back to the airport I wasn’t willing to pay what he asked and started to drive forward. After calling his bluff multiple times and leaving the car door open so he wouldn’t drive away, he finally got out of his car and hesitantly gave in and popped the trunk where my suitcase was after some more of me yelling at him. I gave him $80 and he stood there in disbelief. I’m pretty mad at myself for falling for something so obvious, but even more so that people like this exist. Regretting that I didn’t take down his license plate. But I’m glad I was able to stand my ground as I’m usually non-confrontational and experience anxiety in these kinds of situations. Moral of the story: don’t trust anyone who approaches you at the airport unless they appear officially licensed.
that is intense, good for you for standing up for yourself!