Post by 2PacStackur

There's a great opsec group on SimpleX. Start from the hardware. Try to run hardware as secure as possible. That is currently the hardest thing. But at least you should run a device that has Intel's management engine disabled. On top run your own OS. For example Qubes or Graphene. Your router should run on open source software, too. Openwrt and connect your network via anonymous VPN. Same is true for a mobile router, with anonymous esim and then anonymous VPN. So that your actual devices that run purely on Tour/i2p are always routed through a VPN separated by hardware to make leaks less likely (Tour over Tour or Tor over VPN). Run banking apps and other surveillance shit on a separate phone that for normie use connects at your ISP level. Nothing to gain by having it behind VPN and Tor won't work anyways. On your secure phone only use open source and encrypted software ideally mixing in your own nodes or servers over Tor for Monero or SimpleX. In other words go dark with the real stuff and give the man a fake normie profile. More to say. But this is a good start.
Thanks 🫡