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reckless 💅
Bitcoin activity is booming in New Zealand.
Since Lightning Pay NZ launch
Will be at MIT 👀 first time i’ve been
The NerdQAxe++ is here to change open-source bitcoin home mining.
all this talking about car crashes had me produce one of my own ffs
Unpopular: Influencers are great actually.
If I want to get into a new hob
I recently fired my training coach (meal and training session planning) and
Real butter is real food. Margarine is Satan's ball-sweat congealed…
The 888,888th Bitcoin block has been mined!
rooms i wish i had:
- gym
- office
- study
- armory
Controlling your own key on Bitcoin comes with significant costs, from the
My vision of reality is uncomfortable for many, I do not know if I have the