Within Nostr, your voice gains strength not just through its volume, but th...
GM ☕️
Whats the over/under on the bank of England folding because there’s
... nostr doesn’t need everyone. only the best. quality over quantity. it’ll ha...
Are you ready to Friday!?
gm, the most important thing is that you flow and remove all the obstacles ...
Daughter: So we won a war against England and then we became American and b...
In collaboration with nostr:nprofile1qqstuyc7uxqtde2g
#40HPW podcast movement sweeping the socials. It’s time to initiate phase two… th
#40GMW Nostr movement.
On Nostr, GM is cherished and the GM Protocol is our sec
... Simple formulas for a good life (simple, but not easy).
Getting rich
• Sp...
So grateful that humans all over the world find value in my work and wish t