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The NerdQAxe++ is here to change open-source bitcoin home mining.
saylor says bitcoin does not compete with the dollar
dorsey says nostr doe
The 888,888th Bitcoin block has been mined!
I recently fired my training coach (meal and training session planning) and
Last week I was in a supermarket checking if I could find some toothpaste w
rooms i wish i had:
- gym
- office
- study
- armory
How the mind works
I still wear jeans that are 20+ years old. They're now back in style. Check
You can just quit drinking
Unpopular: Influencers are great actually.
If I want to get into a new hob
Cameras just can’t capture the magnificent size of this morning’s sunrise.
I don't mean to alarm anybody but another solo block was just found, #888989.
GM! Stay humble & hash sats! ⛏️
4 different solo miners using OCEAN also found blocks this week: - 888094 f