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GM: Bitcoin is money, already.
Gm 🫂 ☕️ 🤙
GM ☀️
We still know absolutely nothing about Thomas Matthew Crooks a dude
best bitcoin promo video ever made 😂 🚀
guys I’m addicted to skirt steak.
BTCPay 2.0.7 is out … like, FIVE days ago.
Our Zoomer intern swore he was
Now, the release (sorry, still recovering my eyes from watching the inte
In case you're still with us and your brain, eyes and ears are okay,
For anyone confused about the insane rhetoric of the @EU deciding to confis
today i learned the Wizard of Oz is a tale of the gold standard
it's been a couple years but it's gonna be nice to do zap stuff again on mo
Weekend breakfast vibes 😎
looks like it works. this is the first post from damus Android on my pixel
For anyone that hasn’t seen it, I highly recommend “The Internet’s Own Boy.
Bitcoin wallets must be better than Venmo, PayPal, CashApp, and Zelle.
Is anybody totally creeped out by Josh Mandell predicting the price of Bitc
Nostr merch is always with me when we meetup 🫶💜 exited to meet a group of
Amazon is removing the ability for Alexa to process your requests locally,
This is what "being broke" really looks like:
- $1k iPhone
- $1k shoes
- $#Bitcoin
Looking rich keeps you broke.
What’s the best documentary you’ve ever seen?
lying in bed switching between damus android and damus ios to post. somewha
I'm a cornstar - I fuck the system for a living.
Who wants to fuck around