Post by Bill Cypher
"You decide that I'm a teenager with no evidence"
There is evidence.
"then dismiss my entire position because all teenagers are dumb"
That's not why I'm being dismissive. It's more to do with your talking points being about 10 -15 years out of date. Nobody cares that you're an atheist. It's not some identity to cling to. It's just a worn out internet personality type.
"I'm still waiting for my any of my points to be addressed"
Which points would those be?
"Where did I poison the well?"
You just keep saying "that's racist" with nothing intelligible to add. It's crazy to think that this is how I came off 15 years ago when militant atheism was really welling up online. I used to talk very similar to the way you talk now.
The problem is, you are having this conversation while attached to an identity (pseudonymous as it may be). This will cause you to unconsciously accept or reject things based on social pressures that you don't even realize you have. That's another part of my dismissiveness. It feels probably not worth it to have the conversation, because your identity and reputation are more important than the truth.
Genetics affect people sure, but the dude you are talking to is a racist trying to trap you into siding with him.
I'm wondering if you are a kid now. I'm clearly a teenager but my talking points are 15 years out of date. 4 year olds who have mastered Dawkins soundbites but don't learn anything new before they turn 20 are common after all.
The four horseman days weren't an atheist movement, it was Anti-Theist. The point was to attack religious people with the faults of their religion. I have gone out of my way to avoid running down the litany of biblical instructions that are appalling to modern christians in this thread.
I felt the need to point out one of those bible rules that we ignore because of our culture to make the point we fit our religion to our cultural morals not the other way around. I picked mixed fibers because it was the least offensive example. If you truly were a part of the Anti-Theist movement you know how dark I could have gone there. I have clearly updated my approach.
You can't say no one cares I'm an atheist. People in this thread said that anyone who doesn't believe in god would obviously be guilty of a variety of moral faults. Some of them pretty offensive to me. I joined in here to say "I'm an atheist and I do none of those things you accuse us of." I even made a post on my timeline about being open about your atheism so those strawmen aren't the only atheist people know.
You explicitly said you believe different races have different moral reasoning capabilities and European genes are better at it. That doesn't even require wokeness, that's 100 year old dictionary definition racism. Stating that you believe in facts that you explicitly said you believe in isn't poisoning the well. You were working those same racist talking points at the time so it wasn't even off topic.
So, you want the Christians to take your well reasoned atheist talking points seriously, despite the fact that they find your lack of belief in god to be morally repugnant.
However, you refuse to even engage with race realist talking points, because you find the genetic explanation for behaviour to
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