When all your money is in cold storage, no leverage, no debt, no custodians
... Consider yourself truly fortunate if you still receive calls from your pare
... I use KeepassXC and another one. I use it on my phone and I hash and encryp...
Buy $200 worth of
#Bitcoin each week and everyone tells you how risky it is.
... solar power is just fusion power happening far away
You guys are incredible 🩷
In 24 hours we raised 20% of our goal at ~$150
... Major Histocompatibility Complex in Humans: The Implications
Native Americ
That small breeding population is the reason Native Americans were not e
Why does this always happen
Seneca once said:
"We suffer more in imagination than in reality."
99% of...
What I literally wanted to do at the age of 8
Good morning and pura vida, Nostr! It's time to create notes and send zaps!
Persian/Mediterranean diet fixes this.
Homemade kabobs with beef and t
... I haven't gone on real vacation since I started Peony Lane 5 years ago. Buy
... Getting on a plane tomorrow. Any movie suggestions?