
The measure you’re looking for is #time. One needs to do work to buy time alive. This productive time is represented with money. The money you save is productive time of other people you buy with your own productive time saved in and represented by money again. The best money to do this is #bitcoin. The catch: when we use time to price Bitcoin we need proxies, starting with cost of living. As a result we need to approximate cost of living, which is a problem for at least two reasons: 1) COL is currently priced in fiat. So we need to translate into fiat first and then into Bitcoin. Meaning many moving parts introducing variance. 2) COL varies significantly across and within societies. Plus, it’s usually a monthly or yearly measure, not a lifetime measure. Which actually introduces a third problem: 3) we need to build a lot of assumptions and means/medians on things like life expectancy, productive time (how much do people actually work in their lifetime and how to define work?), productivity etc. Additionally we try to sum up a lifetime dynamic in a single number. Problematic. If 0.1 BTC is life changing or not will always depend on where you are globally and in life regardless of how much bitcoin adoption took place. So… it’s complicated but will manage itself.