The real meat of the Epstein files won't come out for another 5 decades probably. That list is a filthy slippery thing. 99% of the people involved are still alive and in positions of power. If enemies of America and Israel want to see a catastrophic implosion of its heirarchies of power, this is the way to go. All it takes from this current administration is one person with access who has courage, morals and values to release it. If they can't then they're willingly protecting the evil within.
We have a similar "Thing" here in The UK but not on the same scale. It takes 25 years, 25 FUCKING YEARS, on average to overturn a miscarriage of justice, and a very similar time frame to have a public enquiry over something that happened years ago that was clearly a monumental fuck up. In 95% of the cases, even though "The Police" are at fault, they are exonerated🤷🏻‍♂️. Cunts!