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Sleep is just a free trial of death with ads.
Zap marketing is cooler to see than platform marketing, imo. Commenters get
The other day on Twitter/X, I paid out a 2,100,000 sat or $1,700 USD Lightnjack mallers who made Lightning convenient enough for Mark, who doesn’t understand or
Meet the NerdQAxe++
A Quantum Leap in the Open-Source Bitcoin Home Mining
Update for those of you who are interested in Mario Kart: Double Sats:
I h
get the game streaming sats in real time. This is one of the coolest, fun
If you didn't know, there's a Samourai Wallet hearing currently in
if you bought $10k worth of gold in 2011 it would only be worth $17k today
In vignette 5 of Rendezvous With Claude and Friends, Orion drops a star
you know what this means
I was having a moment today where I thought to myself “man, I wish I was a
My kid is learning English as a second language and he was using some corpo
The most common question? What are Sats?? Great teaching opportunity!
When I first put out my "Bitcoin accepted here" sign I never expected anyon
All a man needs in one picture.
Clear sky means sunny day and a lots of v#family #grownostr #homestead #citadel #parentstr #carnivore
We are live and making history!
The first Stratum V2 pool is now live and