name a better duo than salmon and avocado
Good morning and pura vida, Nostr! It's time to create notes and send zaps!
... GM nostr ☀️
The only person that can truly make you happy in the long term
... I just zapped myself 21 ecash sats inside this 1-sat zap using this emoji �
... GM, just went to Ash Wednesday service. I'm giving up complaining for Lent,
... GM Dark Nostr
There is a new law of anthropology - The Shoebox Syndrome:
... Gunna start a tattoo removal shop called Ragrets
NEW: Congressman Thomas Massie introduces the "Federal Reserve Board Abolit
... "What's your bank account?"
Me: "🌳 🍔 🚒 💣 🎁 🏈 🎂 💽 💩 😜 🍆 ☔ "