And I never once suggested that... I suppose you're too fueled with anger to appropriately comprehend my comments. I am not sexist. Go ahead ask. Ask me if I think a woman should be allowed to protect and serve. My answer is yes. If she can meet the same standards as the men are held to on that force. (The mens standards need to be raised too. Way too many overweight cops) You would know that if you bothered to actually comprehend what I wrote instead of trying to white knight all over the place. Joyous Grouse would be one hell of a cop. Like RoboCop. But you're using an extreme example clearly to justify your point. "Look cris can do it, so any woman can of they wanted to." No. No they couldn't.
Dude I keep telling you I know in person a bunch of women who are very capable fighters. For most women the difference between being able to physically beat most untrained man and not is just down to the willingness to put in the time and train themselves. It is not extreme examples either, regular everyday looking soccer moms who just put in the time and effort to learn the skill of fighting. I am an active martial artist training in a martial art that works. You clearly are not. What level of delusion does it take to be so certain you know more about who can and who can't fight than the guy who spars for hours every week and has for years? I promise you I am not a small man and I had this lesson literally beat into me by women half my size when I started. BTW I did read all your posts and the backtracking is very clear. This one sure is a long ass way from every female in a police or military uniform is a DEI hire. You were so eager to spout your sexism you forgot that the military is so big it has HR and nurses, traditionally female jobs, who work in uniform but never go into combat.