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My 14-month-old son just looked me straight in the eyes and said “dad, with
looks like it works. this is the first post from damus Android on my pixel
I’m raising my children to meet the world they’re going to encounter in thi
damus android is written in C and Rust and directly renders to your phones
it's been a couple years but it's gonna be nice to do zap stuff again on mo
today i learned the Wizard of Oz is a tale of the gold standard
We'll be making an appearance on Fox News tonight at 9 PM Eastern. 👀
PubKRipe Cicada joined Lara Trump and Kevin O'Leary for a segment about… you guessed it… #Bitcoin.
What’s the best documentary you’ve ever seen?
Weekend breakfast vibes 😎
GM Today is a great day to call your grandparents / parents 🫂
guys I’m addicted to skirt steak.
few understand this
Gm 🫂 ☕️ 🤙
Sustainable scaling requires local, targeted, and specialized support. No
There will be signs.
GM: Bitcoin is money, already.
Totally disgraceful! We females should be allowed to go topless….don’t you