GM ☕️
Whats the over/under on the bank of England folding because there’s
... nostr doesn’t need everyone. only the best. quality over quantity. it’ll ha...
Nice to see. Personal goal: Orange Pill the world of normies. My contrib
... I asked a person today why they still use a fax machine: Because I can send...
Within Nostr, your voice gains strength not just through its volume, but th...
Simple formulas for a good life (simple, but not easy).
Getting rich
• Sp...
At my first coding job, my project manager would stay late hours after wor...
Private transactions aren’t about hiding. They’re about asserting the most ...
GM nostr. Fight for your own privacy, because big tech won’t always be ther...
Privacy-protecting alternatives:
iPhone -> Google Pixel
iOS -> GrapheneOS nostr:note1d6wfyqstfjym7jt7dk2gq4n8tdal4ncp8ftdt3rz6u3he82g2tfskasjas