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I recently fired my training coach (meal and training session planning) and
Currency reforms and CBDCs
Czechoslovakia – Currency Reform of 1953
In Cze
reckless 💅
The NerdQAxe++ is here to change open-source bitcoin home mining.
Will be at MIT 👀 first time i’ve been
Satoshi did not consult economists. He sat down and implemented something t#Bitcoin is natural money.
- Wet Deer
Testing multiple playbacks with picture in picture. It's blazing fast. Even
all this talking about car crashes had me produce one of my own ffs
Treating a dog like a human baby is a sign of a culture in steep decay.
GM. Be ungovernable ☀️💀
My new hobby
stay humble and stack sats relentlessly, forever
I’m a lucky guy. Life is pretty fucking great 🙏🏻
thank u for coming to my ted talk
rooms i wish i had:
- gym
- office
- study
- armory