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GM ☕️
Up 13% premarket.
Have a nice day
GM ☀️Time for my monthly dose of good vibes/sats in the feed 🫂💜🧡☀️ will #CircularZaponomy #Nostr #plebchain #bitcoin #asknostr
The social networking dream has finally come true:
Fully peer-to-peer, ve
Just the fact that people are actually using nostr is a big deal.
I didn’t make these, just posting them for your zaps. ⚡️😆
"Choose your own algorithm" will NEVER work on Nostr the way it works on Bl
To all newcomers, if there are any, this is where we start!
If you dont want kids, there is something biologically wrong with you. All
As for me, I now like the stock.
Thanks Obama