Saying things like healthcare is a human right sounds nice but how can some
... - holding bitcoin is using bitcoin
- good money can be saved or spent with
... My harshest critic is my husband. Most people can’t honestly say that, but
... I’ve been under so much neck pain the past couple of days I need to remind
... The SBR discussion is complex
A) We should want American citizens, familie
... Did you know?
There’s a massive library in Minecraft populated with uncens
... Don't forget to torrent more. It's sexy and it's good for the Internet.
completely lost track of time while coding for the first time since forever
Sometimes, when I notice I have persistent trolls over months, I take a cou
... More buildings like this.. Bring back craftsmanship and art.
Absolutely love watching these kids improve, surfing better and better ever
... "It's not a company, it's not an organization, it's a protocol. No one 'own