
Apologize for what ? There is nothing wrong about autism, I have some and probably we are all autistic at some degree, like every time you transform the words in a wrong way, the purpose was to show the stupidity of your post, not against autism, well of course Israel don't want to robe some houses in Gaza, concerning the business, there is close to nothing in Gaza, Israeli have Tel Aviv which compete with Silicon Valley but yeah let's go robe a bakery (all my respect to bakery in Gaza) Why did you said "Your Minister" ? I'm not Jew and not living in Israel I will never defend Israel if Israel do shit, but I will ever defend someone which is falsely accused of something wrong Israel is attacked from 20 years by Hamas in Gaza, meanwhile, all this time Israel gave free electricity, water, medicament and hospitals to Palestinians, because Israel ever wanted peace But at some point it's unsustainable, after the Oct 7 Israel said enough is enough and go against Hamas, sorry for Palestinian but Hamas is coward using the civilian as a shield, you want to know ? Hamas is using babies as shield, yes, babies on one hand and the gun on the other hand, who is doing something like that on earth ?! So unfortunately innocent women and child are killed by IDF even if Israel try to don't hit the innocent population, at some point you can't do otherwise and it's sad you have no choice, you need to defend yourself Blame Hamas and those who funded their terrorist actions, not Israel which want to preserve innocent life, you are an idiot or very dishonest which I think you are, the Free Palestine movement is not for Palestinian, it's against Israel, I never heard them blaming Hamas for what they did and are doing again, Hamas is starving, torturing and killing the Palestinians Why not blaming Egypt for not letting population enter in their country ? Egypt can protect Palestinian from danger, they have a lot of resources too Why not blaming Qatar who directly funded Hamas when Hamas was killing innocent Palestinian and Israeli ? This conversation is going absurd, comparing Zionism to Nazism is the higher level of stupidity and hate against Jews, Zionism is for the peaceful establishment of a territory for Jews, nothing about hunting and systematically killing a population because of it's religion or ethnicity.